Habakuk 2:2-3-And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it speeds to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Hey-La Ghetto Foundation is a Christian not for profit organization which began official operations in Takoradi, Ghana in 2023.
The vision carrier, Mr. Solomon A. Ampah has always had passion for putting smiles on the faces of the needy, the ghetto youth and the deprived one’s in society. He also has high spirit for Youth development.
The drive to achieve this, started by helping individuals in his neighbourhood and church. He further went on to form an evangelism group in Accra where about 25 souls were won for Christ. They were not just led to Christ, but they were fed, clothed and sponsored to learn a trade of their choice.
Along the line, the key members of the group relocated from Accra as a result of work, which brought the project to an abrupt end. Not discouraged by how the Accra project ended, he went ahead to form a keep fit Club at Kojokrom, when he relocated to Takoradi. The sole aim of that Club was to draw the youth to Christ and help them learn a trade to enable them live independent lives.
Everything the group needed to drive the agenda was provided. (i.e. Bands, Speakers, yogo mat for keep fit, Bibles etc). Aside providing for the needs of the group, He went further by putting most of the youth in trade. This second group also lost its focus, due to personal interest and politics and finally got the group dissolved.
I am very sure, if it were to be you, you would have given up. But indeed, the vision is written on a tablet and set for an appointed time. He never gave up but kept persisting.
For when the time is right I the Lord will let it happen (Isaiah 60:22)
He again challenged some young people around him to help convert ghetto boys/girls to Christ and give them a meaningful life by providing their basic needs and sponsoring them to learn a vocational/technical skill of their choice.He provided the needed logistics to make the search for souls, a fruitful one.
John Buabeng one of the young men commissioned for this soul winning search was able to win 2 souls from a ghetto within Sekondi–Takoradi.
These boys were led to Christ, provided with Bibles, clothes, food, life assurance etc.
They were sponsored to learn a vocational/technical skill of their Choice. They were encouraged to attend a Bible believing Church within their communities. The caretaker plays a supervisory role in their Christian Life journey.
Filled with joy, the boys spread the good news to their ghetto friends of how the foundation has impacted their lives positively. To the Glory of God their new life had impact on the other ghetto boys which resulted in their desire to experience this new life.
As a result, HEY-LA GHETTO FOUNDATION (aka HEY-LA) was formed. The name HEY-LA was coined to mean THE AMAZING GHETTO FOUNDATION.
Our motto is HEY-LA, NEW LIFE, a new life which brings them closer to society and makes them responsible people.